Embody the superhuman skill and brutality of a Space Marine. Unleash deadly abilities and devastating weaponry to obliterate the relentless Tyranid swarms. Defend the Imperium in spectacular third-person action in solo or multiplayer modes.
OVRLRD is a mech combat simulator built from the ground up for Virtual Reality. Take the real, physical controls of a 50-foot bipedal weapons platform as you carry out complex operations across a challenging single-player campaign.
From the renowned development studio WayForward Technologies, Inc. (Shantae, River City Girls, Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp) comes Yars Rising, a 2D action adventure exploration of one of Atari’s richest, and best known classic titles.
God is dead, killed by a mighty Church that conquered the world with his power. Now, it faces the Apocalypse. Experience it in an RPG beat 'em up as one of its Immortal Hunters. Defy fate, expose the lies of the Cardinals, and find a reborn God before the Khemrids destroy humanity.
Backrooms Media is a 1-5 player co-op horror that plunges you into unsettling, hyper-realistic liminal spaces. Navigate eerie environments filled with lurking horrors. Group up with your friends to face the terror of the endless backrooms together and... try to escape.
Elsie is a technicolour, hyperkinetic, rogue-like action-platformer filled with procedurally generated levels, an army of robots to blast through, and a wide scope of items & weaponry to make each run unique. Master countless magitek weapons and abilities in order to embrace the chaos.
The Belfry stands as a beacon of hope and safety amongst the ruins of humanity and the City of Numbers, with monsters lurking right outside the tower’s walls. You are an Ace, born anew from the spirit realm with the skills, the grit, and the determination to protect the people of the Belfry.
When Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil see a commercial for the new Reptar video game, they pretend that they're in a video game of their own! Toggle between beautiful 8-bit and HD art, select your favorite baby and play solo or co-op in Rugrats: Adventures in Gameland, a neo-retro platformer.
Vampire: The Masquerade - Reckoning of New York is a narrative game set in the World of Darkness Universe. Play as one of the members of the Vampire Clans in a shifting political landscape between the Camarilla and the Anarchs while trying your best to survive.
A deep, open world life sim and town building game set in a cozy post-apocalyptic paradise. Restore an old town, sail across a mysterious archipelago. Hunt for relics and farm, fish & craft everything you need. Can you help turn Critter Cove into a thriving tourist town once again?